![ShrubsForbsBannerSml ShrubsForbsBannerSml](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/ShrubsForbsBannerSml.jpg?width=719&height=2000&name=ShrubsForbsBannerSml.jpg)
Shrubs and Forbs
Click the species name for more details.
Acacia aureocrinita - Wattle
Acacia boormanii - Snowy River Wattle
Acacia buxifolia - Box-leaf Wattle
Acacia cardiophylla - Heart-leaf Wattle
Acacia covenyi - Blue Bush
Acacia cultriformis - Knife-leaf Wattle
Acacia dawsonii - Poverty Wattle
Acacia dealbata - Silver Wattle
Acacia falciformis - Broad-leaved Hickory Wattle
Acacia floribunda - Gossamer Wattle
Acacia genistifolia - Spreading Wattle
Acacia gunnii - Ploughshare Wattle
Acacia mearnsii - Black Wattle
Acacia melanoxylon - Blackwood Wattle
Acacia pravissima - Oven's Wattle
Acacia rubida - Red Stem Wattle
Acacia ulicifolia - Juniper Wattle
Acaena novae-zelandiae - Bidgee Widgee
Arthropodium milleflorum - Pale Vanilla Lily
Bauera rubioides - River Rose
Bossiaea buxifolia - Matted Bossiaea
Brachyscome graminea - Grass Daisy
Bulbine bulbosa - Native leek
Bursaria spinosa - Australian Blackthorn
Callistemon citrinus - Crimson Bottlebrush
Callistemon pallidus - Lemon Bottlebrush
Callistemon pityoides - Alpine Bottlebrush
Callistemon sieberi - River Bottlebrush
Cassinia aculeata - Common Cassinia
Cassinia longifolia - Shiny Cassinia
Cassinia uncata - Sticky Cassinia
Chrysocephalum apiculatum - Common Everlasting
Chrysocephalum semipapposum - Clustered Everlasting
Correa reflexa - Native fuchsia
Craspedia variabilis - Common Billy Buttons
Crowea exalata - Waxflower
Daviesia latifolia - Hop Bitter-pea
Daviesia mimosoides - Narrow-leaf Bitter-pea
Daviesia ulicifolia - Gorse Bitter-pea
Dianella longifolia - Flax Lily
Dianella revoluta - Blue Flax-lily
Dianella tasmanica - Tasman Flax-lily
Dichondra repens - Kidney Weed
Dodonaea viscosa - Giant Hopbush
Dodonaea viscosa ssp. angustissima - Narrow-leaf Hopbush
Dodonaea viscosa ssp. spatulata - Spoon-leaf Hop Bush
Einadia nutans - Nodding Saltbush
Grevillea australis - Alpine Grevillea
Grevillea diminuta - Small Grevillea
Grevillea lanigera - Woolly Grevillea
Grevillea rosmarinifolia - Rosemary Grevillea
Hakea microcarpa - Small-fruited Hakea
Hardenbergia violacea - False Sarsparilla
Hardenbergia violacea alba - False Sarsparilla (White)
Hibbertia obtusifolia - Hoary Guinea Flower
Indigofera australis - Austral Indigo
Kunzea ericoides - Burgen
Kunzea parvifolia - Violet Kunzea
Kunzea pomifera - Muntries
Leptospermum brevipes - Slender Tea-tree
Leptospermum grandifolium - Mountain Tea-tree
Leptospermum lanigerum - Woolly Tea-tree
Leptospermum myrtifolium - Myrtle Tea-tree
Leptospermum obovatum - River Tea-tree
Leucochrysum albicans - Hoary Sunray
Lomandra filiformis - Wattle Mat-rush
Lomandra longifolia - Spiny Mat-rush
Lomatia myricoides - River Lomatia
Melaleuca parvistaminea - Rough-barked Honey-myrtle
Mentha australis - Native River Mint
Micromyrtus ciliata - Fringed Heath Myrtle
Myoporum parvifolium - Creeping Boobialla
Olearia phlogopappa - Alpine Daisy-bush
Oxylobium ellipticum - Common Shaggy-pea
Ozothamnus diosmifolius - Rice Flower
Ozothamnus hookeri - Kerosene Bush
Ozothamnus secundiflorus - Cascade Everlasting
Phebalium squamulosum - Scaly Phebalium
Pimelea humilis - Dwarf Rice Flower
Pimelia linifolia - Slender Rice Flower
Platylobium formosum - Handsome Flat-pea
Prostanthera cuneata - Alpine Mint Bush
Prostanthera incisa - Native Thyme
Prostanthera lasianthos - Victorian Christmas Bush
Prostanthera rotundifolia - Native Oregano
Scaevola hookeri - Alpine Fan-flower
Stylidium graminifolium - Trigger Plant
Veronica perfoliata - Digger's Speedwell
Viola betonicifolia - Showy Violet
Viola hederacea - Native Violet
Wahlenbergia multicaulis - Tadgell's Bluebell
Wahlenbergia stricta - Australian Bluebell
Westringia eremicola - Slender Westringia
Xerochrysum bracteatum - Strawflower
Xerochrysum viscosum - Sticky Everlasting
Small bushy shrub, 1-1.8m high x 1-2m wide.
Small, hairy, grey-green, oval foliage.
Pale to bright yellow globular flowers in spring and sporadically at other times.
Most well-drained soils and aspects.
Shrub or small tree, 4-5m tall.
Smooth grey bark. Greyish green linear phyllodes.
Profuse clusters of fragrant bright yellow ball flowers in late winter to spring.
Suitable for a wide range of climates and well-drained soils, in full sun or part shade.
![Acacia buxifolia cropped](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hubfs/Acacia%20buxifolia%20cropped.jpeg)
Open or erect shrub to 3m tall x 2m wide. Attractive foliage.
Deep golden yellow globular flowers.
Well-drained soil in sun or part shade.
Frost hardy.
Immature seeds are eaten by cockatoos and parrots.
![Acacia cardiophylla](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hubfs/Acacia%20cardiophylla.jpeg)
Rounded shrub to 2.5m tall, spreading to 3m. Attractive bipinnate (feathery), light green foliage.
Bright yellow ball-shaped flowers in spring.
Well-drained soil sunny or lightly-shaded position.
Drought and frost tolerant.
![Acacia covenyi](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hubfs/Acacia%20covenyi.jpeg)
Very hardy small tree to 6m high x 2-3m wide.
Blue-green foliage and bright yellow ball flowers in spring.
Most well-drained soil in full sun or dappled shade. Drought and frost tolerant.
Ideal specimen tree. Useful screen.
![Acacia cultriformis](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Acacia%20cultriformis.jpeg?width=2000&name=Acacia%20cultriformis.jpeg)
Attractive hardy bush, 2-3m tall x 2m wide. Open branched habit.
Bluish green phyllodes are almost triangular, featuring red tips.
Racemes of bright yellow globular flower heads in spring.
Most well-drained soils in sun or part shade. Feature plant and useful screen.
![Acacia dawsonii](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Acacia-dawsonii-1.jpeg?width=517&height=388&name=Acacia-dawsonii-1.jpeg)
Hardy, erect shrub, 1.5-2m high.
Golden yellow ball flowers in spring.
Suitable for a wide range of climates in most well-drained soils. Best in full sun.
Tolerant of moderate frost. Lightly prune after flowering to produce a busy growth habit.
![Acacia dealbata - Silver Wattle](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Acacia-dealbata-Silver-Wattle2-788x591.jpeg?width=788&height=591&name=Acacia-dealbata-Silver-Wattle2-788x591.jpeg)
Fast-growing open tree, variable in height, 2-30m tall.
Prefers deep, moist soil. Greyish green bi-pinnate (fern-like) leaves.
Clusters of yellow ball flowers in spring, followed by seed pods in summer.
Sun or part shade. Good erosion control.
![Acacia falciformis](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Shrubs%20and%20Forbs/Acacia-falciformis.jpeg?width=1896&height=1200&name=Acacia-falciformis.jpeg)
Tall shrub or small tree, 4-12m high.
Moderately dense foliage, rough bark. Creamy yellow ball flowers in spring to early summer.
Well-drained soil. Good shelterbelt tree.
![Acacia floribunda](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Acacia%20floribunda.jpeg?width=440&height=696&name=Acacia%20floribunda.jpeg)
Large shrub to small tree. Hardy, fast growing, screening plant.
Scented, creamy yellow rod flowers in winter-spring. Suitable for most soils and aspects.
Tolerates frost and drought.
![Logo Only 2023](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Logo%20Only%202023.jpg?width=933&height=936&name=Logo%20Only%202023.jpg)
Fast growing spreading shrub, to 4m tall.
Suitable in sands, clay or loam.
Prickly foliage provides ideal bird refuge.
![Logo Only 2023](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Logo%20Only%202023.jpg?width=933&height=936&name=Logo%20Only%202023.jpg)
Small spreading to erect shrub, 30cm-1m tall x 1-2m wide.
Triangular foliage, tapering to a sharp point. Pale yellow/cream ball flowers in winter - spring.
Well-drained soil in full/part sun.
Establishes well under existing trees. Good erosion control.
![A mearnsii](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Shrubs%20and%20Forbs/A%20mearnsii.jpeg?height=2000&name=A%20mearnsii.jpeg)
Fast growing, large shrub or small tree, 6-20m tall.
Smooth to fissured bark, brown or greenish to blackish in colour.
Green fern-like foliage, creamy-yellow flowers in spring.
Well-drained soil in sunny or partly-shaded situation. Good shade and shelter tree.
![Acacia melanoxylon](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Shrubs%20and%20Forbs/Acacia_melanoxylon_1.jpeg?width=768&height=512&name=Acacia_melanoxylon_1.jpeg)
Fast growing tree to 10m. Large, dense canopy.
Cream flowers in spring.
Prefers deep moist soil, tolerating drier conditions once established.
Good shade & shelterbelt tree. Frost hardy.
Shrub or small tree to 4m high, with arching branches of dull grey-green foliage.
Profuse small yellow blooms in spring.
Most soils, tolerating dryness.
Small to medium shrub 1-2mH x 2mW with dark green spine-like foliage.
Cream coloured ball flowers in late winter and spring.
Well-drained soils in dappled shade or full sun. A good hedge plant.
Bushy shrub / small tree, 9m high x 3m wide.
Deep red angular stems & reddish foliage in winter. Bright yellow ball flowers in late winter.
Full sun in well-drained soil.
Frost hardy. Drought tolerant.
![Acaena novae-zelandiae](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Acaena%20novae-zelandiae.jpeg?width=750&height=563&name=Acaena%20novae-zelandiae.jpeg)
Dense groundcover with small fern-like foliage to 10cm high x 1m spread.
Globular greenish white flowers on slender stalks in spring are followed by burr-like seed heads.
Adaptable, tolerating wet or dry conditions in full/part sun.
![Artropodium milleflorum](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Artropodium%20milleflorum.jpeg?width=791&height=791&name=Artropodium%20milleflorum.jpeg)
Tufted perennial, leaves to 30cm.
Pale pink, mauve or white flowers on 1m stems spring-summer.
Moist clay soil. Leaves die down to tuberous rootstock during hottest months of the year.
Uses: rockeries, borders, pond-side.
![Bauera rubioides](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Bauera%20rubioides.jpeg?width=350&height=561&name=Bauera%20rubioides.jpeg)
Pretty and compact shrub, 1-2m x 1-2m, with bright pink flowers, mainly in late winter and spring.
Sheltered position in light to heavy shade.
Tolerates moist, even boggy, soils.
Great understorey or shade plant.
Prostrate trailing dwarf shrub that can form an extensive mat, like a living mulch.
Most well-drained soils in dappled shade to part sun.
Yellow, red and purplish flowers appear from spring to early summer.
Syn. Bossiaea decumbens.
Prostrate trailing dwarf shrub that can form an extensive mat, like a living mulch.
Most well-drained soils in dappled shade to part sun.
Yellow, red and purplish flowers appear from spring to early summer.
Syn. Bossiaea decumbens.
Native lily with fragrant yellow flowers on 30cm stems in spring.
Succulent hollow green leaves. After seeding, plants die down to tuberous rootstock for hottest months of the year, reappearing in mid/late autumn.
Full sun or light shade.
![Bursaria spinosa](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Bursaria%20spinosa.jpeg?width=600&height=400&name=Bursaria%20spinosa.jpeg)
Slender to rounded shrub or small tree, 1-8m high.
Profuse fragrant creamy-white flowers in summer. Small spines along branches.
Well-drained soil in full sun or part shade. Attracts birds, insects and butterflies.
Hardy, erect large shrub, 3m high x 2m wide, sometimes taller.
Cream to yellow flowers in summer & autumn. Most soils in full or part sun.
Prune after flowering for bushiness.
![Callistemon pallidus](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Shrubs%20and%20Forbs/Callistemon%20pallidus.jpeg?width=749&height=498&name=Callistemon%20pallidus.jpeg)
Hardy, erect large shrub, 3m high x 2m wide, sometimes taller.
Cream to yellow flowers in summer & autumn. Most soils in full or part sun.
Prune after flowering for bushiness.
Spreading shrub to 2.5m high x 1-2m wide.
Summer flowers are usually cream, tinged with green. Dense prickly foliage creates excellent small bird habitat.
Tolerates wet periods and frost.
Prune after flowering for dense, bird-protecting growth and maximum flowering.
![Logo Only 2023](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Logo%20Only%202023.jpg?width=933&height=936&name=Logo%20Only%202023.jpg)
Variable open to dense weeping shrub, 2-7m high. Cream or pink bird-attracting flowers.
Prefers wet to moist conditions in heavy clay soil, tolerating dryness once established.
Frost hardy. Prune after flowering to promote bushiness.
Good screen.
Fast growing upright open shrub, 2-4m high x 1-2m wide.
Pinkish buds followed by large domed white flowerheads over summer.
Heavy, moist, well-drained soil in part shade.
Good screen.
Fast-growing, adaptable shrub, 2-4m high x 2-3m wide.
Dense clusters of small white flowers over summer. Full or part shade.
Moist, well-drained soil.
Good screen.
Narrow upright shrub 1-2mH with silver leaves.
Quick growing on well drained flats and rises. Drought and frost hardy.
Happy in part shade.
Creamy-yellow long lasting flower clusters through summer.
![Logo Only 2023](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Logo%20Only%202023.jpg?width=933&height=936&name=Logo%20Only%202023.jpg)
Perennial herb 0.2-0.4mH x 0.5-2mW.
Variable, green or grey leaves. Clusters of small golden flowers all the year.
Needs reasonable drainage and sun.
Good in massed plantings. Can be suckering.
![Logo Only 2023](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Logo%20Only%202023.jpg?width=933&height=936&name=Logo%20Only%202023.jpg)
A suckering shrub 0.2-1mH x 0.5-1.5mW with small grey leaves.
Large clusters of golden yellow flowers mainly Oct-Feb.
For sun or semi-shade in well-drained soils.
Prune to ground level early spring.
![Craspedia variabilis](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Craspedia%20variabilis.jpeg?width=190&height=265&name=Craspedia%20variabilis.jpeg)
Variable tufted perennial herb to 30cm high x 50cm-1m wide.
Eye-catching yellow globular flowerheads on long stalks in spring.
Moist to boggy soil.
Attractive rockery and container plant, and ideal cut flower.
![Correa reflexa](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Correa%20reflexa.jpeg?width=255&height=197&name=Correa%20reflexa.jpeg)
Variable open upright or spreading shrub to 2m high x 2m wide.
Green nectar-rich bird-attracting bell-shaped flowers in autumn and winter.
Well-drained soil in sun or shade. Establishes well under existing trees.
Frost tolerant.
![Crowea exalata](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Shrubs%20and%20Forbs/Crowea%20exalata.jpeg?width=602&height=568&name=Crowea%20exalata.jpeg)
Small shrub to 70cm high x 1m wide.
Pink or white, waxy, star-like flowers from late summer to winter.
Well-drained soil in sun or part shade.
Frost hardy. Pruning beneficial.
![Daviesia latifolia](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Daviesia%20latifolia.jpeg?width=1024&height=685&name=Daviesia%20latifolia.jpeg)
Medium shrub 1-3mH x 1-2mW, with broad mid green leaves.
Long racemes of yellow/brown pea flowers in spring.
For most well drained soils in dappled shade to part sun.
Informal hedge.
Hardy and adaptable shrub, to 1.5m x 1.5m. Profuse red and yellow pea flowers in spring. Well-drained soil in full sun or part shade.
![Daviesia ulicifolia](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Daviesia%20ulicifolia.jpeg?width=480&height=640&name=Daviesia%20ulicifolia.jpeg)
Stiff tangled prickly shrub to 1.5m high x 1-2m wide.
Dark green prickly leaves with orange and yellow pea flowers in winter-spring.
Well-drained soil in full sun or part shade.
Refuge plant for small birds.
![Dianella longifolia 3](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Shrubs%20and%20Forbs/Dianella%20longifolia%203.png?width=365&height=382&name=Dianella%20longifolia%203.png)
Perennial plant with arching, smooth strap leaves to 50cm.
Pale blue flowers in spring / summer, followed by dark blue-purple berries.
Moist, well-drained soil.
![Dianella revoluta](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Dianella%20revoluta.jpeg?width=262&height=192&name=Dianella%20revoluta.jpeg)
Rhizomatous, perennial herb, to 50cm high.
Arching strap leaves and clusters of nodding blue to white star flowers from spring, followed by shiny dark blue berries.
Full sun or part shade in well-drained soil.
Lily to 1.2m high.
Clusters of nodding star-shaped, bright blue flowers in spring and summer are followed by deep blue berries.
Well-drained soil, in full sun or part shade.
Frost resistant.
![Dichondra repens](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Dichondra%20repens.jpeg?width=259&height=194&name=Dichondra%20repens.jpeg)
Native groundcover with dense spreading foliage of kidney-shaped leaves.
Tiny green flowers in spring to early summer.
Useful as a groundcover, lawn substitute, between pavers and for shady spots in the garden.
Well-drained soil in full or partial shade.
Hardy upright bushy shrub to 5m tall x 3m wide. Glossy foliage.
Inconspicuous flowers in spring are followed by attractive winged fruit.
Well-drained soil in full sun to light shade. Frost tolerant. Withstands dry spells.
Ideal hedge and screen.
![Dodonaea viscosa subsp. angustissima](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Shrubs%20and%20Forbs/Dodonaea%20viscosa%20subsp.%20angustissima.jpeg?width=800&height=669&name=Dodonaea%20viscosa%20subsp.%20angustissima.jpeg)
Erect shrub, 1-4m tall with red flowers followed by red fruit in spring.
Well-drained sandy soil in full sun or shade.
Good screen.
Hardy open to dense spreading shrub 1-3m x 1-3m.
Inconspicuous flowers in spring are followed by showy reddish brown papery capsules.
Full/part sun in well-drained soil. Drought tolerant once established.
Prune to maintain bushiness.
Sprawling or scrambling shrub to 30cm high x 1.2m wide.
Grey-green foliage, with small green flower clusters in summer to autumn, followed by succulent red berries.
Tolerates dry soil in full or partial shade.
Ideal rockery plant.
Very variable shrub, 20cm-2.5m high. Linear to elliptic leaves, 50-500 mm long x 1-5 mm wide.
White flowers in clusters along the stems, mainly winter-spring.
Best in a sunny position in well-drained soil. Frost hardy.
Responds well to pruning.
![Grevillea diminuta](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Grevillea%20diminuta.jpeg?width=183&height=275&name=Grevillea%20diminuta.jpeg)
Hardy low spreading shrub, 50cm H x 1m W.
Small elliptical leaves with the upper surface smooth and dark green and the lower silvery.
Rusty-red bird-attracting flowers in dense, pendulous clusters, mainly in spring.
Tip prune for bushiness.
![Grevillea lanigera](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Grevillea%20lanigera.jpeg?width=275&height=183&name=Grevillea%20lanigera.jpeg)
Small-medium shrub, 1-2m high x 1.5m wide.
Soft small grey-green foliage with dusty pink bird-attracting spider flowers in spring-autumn.
Full sun or part shade in well-drained soil.
Suitable informal low hedging plant.
Hardy fast growing dense shrub 30cm-2m high x 3m wide.
Stiff prickly needle-like leaves.
Well-drained soil. Flowers best in full sun.
Honeyeaters feed on the red nectar-rich flowers which appear in spring.
Climbing or trailing plant to 2m.
Very showy display of purple flowers in winter-spring.
Well-drained soil in sun to semi-shade.
Climbing or trailing plant to 2m.
Very showy display of white flowers in winter-spring.
Well-drained soil in sun to semi-shade.
Low, open, rounded shrub or groundcover to 60cm high x 1m wide.
Profuse large bright yellow flowers in spring and summer.
Well-drained soil in part sun.
Prune lightly to maintain compact habit. Good rockery and container plant
Attractive shrub to 2m.
Graceful arching stems and fern-like leaves with sprays of pink pea flowers in spring.
Full sun to part shade in well-drained soils.
Fast-growing dense, sometimes weeping, shrub, 2-5m high x 2-4m wide.
Showy with red-stemmed foliage and profuse fluffy white flowers from late spring.
Adaptable, tolerating wet and dry periods in sun or part shade.
Good screening and hedging plant.
Hardy upright slender shrub to 1.5m tall x 1.5m wide.
Fine scented foliage. Profuse violet 'pom pom' flowers from spring to early summer.
Moist well-drained soil, tolerating wetness. Frost hardy.
Attracts birds and butterflies. Ideal low hedging plant.
Hardy, low shrub, to 50cm high x 2-5m spread.
Dense fluffy white flowers in spring are followed by edible berries which have an apple-like flavour.
Well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Drought-tolerant.
Prune to manage spread.
Graceful spreading shrub, 4-7m tall, with slender, reddish, weeping foliage.
White flowers in spring to summer.
Well-drained soil. Ornamental. Good screen.
Dense shrub to small rounded tree, 1.5-6m high.
Large white flowers in spring-summer.
Adaptable, preferring moist to wet soil. Full sun or part shade.
Good screen.
Dense shrub to erect small tree, 2-6m high x 1-3m wide.
Prolific small white flowers in spring-summer. Attractive new foliage.
Moist soil in full or part sun. Good screen.
Prune to promote bushy habit.
Medium shrub, 1-3m tall.
Masses of white flowers in spring are followed by large, showy seed capsules.
Sunny position in most well-drained soils.
Dense erect shrub, 2-4m tall x 1.5-2m wide.
Scented foliage and creamy white flowers from late spring.
Moist soil in part shade.
![Leucochrysum albicans](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Shrubs%20and%20Forbs/Leucochrysum%20albicans.jpeg?width=1500&height=2000&name=Leucochrysum%20albicans.jpeg)
Shrublet to 30cm x 30cm.
Showy gold and white large everlasting paper daisy flowers in spring and summer. Prefers full sun, drier sites.
Dies back over summer leaving a perennial rootstock. Attractive rockery or pot plant.
Prune hard after flowering for bushiness.
Sparsely tufted grass-like perennial to 30cm x 30cm.
Small, yellow, globular, butterfly-attracting flowers in spring.
Moist, well-drained soil in full or part sun. Ideal rockery plant.
Very hardy tufted plant to 1m with yellow flowers on prickly spikes in spring.
Adaptable to dry conditions. Frost tolerant.
Open rounded shrub or small tree, 2-5m high x 1-3m wide.
Leaves slender, often toothed. Creamy white nectar-rich bird-attracting flowers in summer.
Moist, well-drained soil in full sun or part shade. Tolerates short periods of wetness.
Dense or open upright shrub or small tree, 2-4m tall x 3-5m wide.
Rough scaly bark. Cream flowers in spring attract birds and butterflies.
Full/part sun. Tolerates frost, poor soils, damp conditions and temporary inundation.
Good screen or hedge plant.
Slender sprawling or erect herb with aromatic foliage and clusters of small tubular white to pale mauve flowers in spring - summer.
Moist to wet soil in sun or shade
Shrub, 30cm-1m high x 1-1.5m wide.
Very small aromatic leaves and a sprawling habit. Spectacular when in flower with profuse small white blooms in spring.
Sunny or partly-shaded position in well-drained soil.
Suits habitat gardens.
Groundcover with a 2-3m spread and white star-shaped flowers in spring and summer.
Plant in full sun to part shade. Lightly prune to encourage dense growth.
Useful as a natural mulch, spill-over plant and for habitat gardens.
Fast growing medium shrub, 1.5m high x 1.5m wide.
Masses of flowers in spring. Moist well-drained soil in full sun or part shade. Frost hardy.
Prune after flowering to promote bushiness.
Spreading multi-branched shrub to 2m high x 1.5m wide.
Golden pea flowers occur profusely in dense clusters during spring and early summer.
Best in well-drained soil in an open sunny position. Drought and frost resistant.
Attractive shrub to 5m.
Fine narrow leaves with woolly undersides. Profuse small white flowers over a long period.
Best in an open, sunny position in well-drained soil.
Prune hard after flowering to encourage bushiness.
Small rounded to spreading shrub with greyish-green, scale-like leaves and clusters of small, white flowers in summer.
Sunny, well-drained position.
To 1.2m high x 1m wide.
Aromatic shrub, 50cm-2m high.
Dark green leaves. White flowerheads appear in dense clusters along one side of the stem in summer.
Well-drained soil.
Small to medium shrub, 0.6m-1.5m high.
Aromatic leaves and clusters of pretty creamy yellow flowers in spring.
Full sun to part shade.
Useful for informal hedging and habitat gardens.
Upright, suckering sub-shrub to 30cm high x 30cm-1m wide.
Creamy white flowers in spring-early summer. Well-drained soil in full sun to part shade.
Dainty little plant for small gardens, rockeries and borders.
Establishes under trees and shrubs.
Graceful erect shrub to 1m high.
Soft thin leaves, tiny white/pink flowers in dense globular terminal heads for most of the year.
Prune after flowering to encourage bushiness.
Most positions, preferring well-drained soil in full sun to part shade.
Scrambling low shrub to 0.8mH x 1-1.5mW, dark green, showy veined leaves.
Yellow & red pea flowers in spring.
For most well-drained soils in sheltered sites.
Compact shrub to 50cm high x 1m wide.
Dark green aromatic leaves and showy white to mauve flowers in spring and summer.
Moist well-drained soil in dappled sunlight. Frost and snow tolerant.
Dense, aromatic shrub. Mauve flowers in spring - summer attract butterflies & birds.
Full sun to part shade. Good coastal plant, tolerating clay soils.
Drought hardy & frost tolerant once established.
Large shrub 3-6mH x 2-3mW.
Large green fragrant lance-shaped foliage and white, blue or mauve flowers in summer.
Needs partly shady moist well-drained position.
Hardy medium shrub to 1.5m high x 1.5m wide.
Small round leaves. Profuse purplish flowers in spring.
Moist well-drained soil.
Diminutive ground hugging plant to 1mW, rooting at nodes.
Off-white, mauve or pink fan flowers in spring/summer.
Damp or boggy site in part sun. Needs plenty of water.
![stylidium graminifolium](https://www.wagtailnativesnursery.com.au/hs-fs/hubfs/Shrubs%20and%20Forbs/stylidium%20graminifolium.jpeg?width=249&height=377&name=stylidium%20graminifolium.jpeg)
Tufted perennial to 40cm with grey-green strappy leaves and showy pink flower spikes in spring - summer.
Well-drained sunny or partly-shaded position.
Tufted native plant to 60cm tall x 1m wide.
Arching stems of grey-green leaves with mauve-blue flowers in spring.
Light shade in well-drained soil. Prune after flowering.
Frost and drought hardy.
Small tufted plant to 10cm high which reseeds readily.
Oblong dark green leaves.
The typical violet-shaped flowers in spring are purplish blue.
Damp, shady situation. Frost resistant.
Small native groundcover that spreads to more than 1m.
White-violet flowers held high above the leaves appear throughout the year.
Moist, shady position. Use as a mow-free lawn in low traffic areas, in hanging baskets or containers.
Tufted perennial herb, 10-50cm high.
Delicate plant with profuse pale blue flowers along slender stems spring to winter.
Well-drained soil in full or part sun.
Tall bluebell forming clumps about 0.4mH x 0.3mW with small wavy leaves.
Deep or pale blue flowers on slender stems.
Sunny site. Will grow in most situations but responds to better conditions.
Dies back in winter.
Erect, open-branched shrub to 1.5m in stony soil and an open, sunny position.
Narrow pointed leaves, 15-20mm long, are in whorls of three.
Small 6mm mauve flowers for most of the year. Can be pruned to promote compact growth.
Frost resistant.
Variable annual or short-lived perennial, to 1m high.
Flowerheads in spring - late winter. Moist, well-drained soil in partial sun.
A regular light prune encourages more flowers.
Dense or straggly herb to 80cm tall x 50cm-1m wide.
Showy bright yellow flowers in spring - autumn.
Well-drained soil in full sun or part shade. Prune to maintain bushy growth.
Attracts birds and butterflies.